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Database file/home/jean-pierre/Documents/BaseDocumenter/www/databases/GenoBase/GENOBASEv40x_LEER.odb
File actual save date2018-07-08 15:31:58
Scanning done on2018-08-21 16:03:34
Documentation generated on2018-08-21 16:03:50
Table of contents
Sample of data stored in table PLZen
1 40210
2 42111
3 42171
4 42289
5 42369
6 42651
7 42653
8 42655
9 42657
10 42659
11 42697
12 42699
13 42719
14 42923
15 45307
16 45549
17 48163
18 54292
21 58089
22 42105
23 42289
24 50000
25 58239
26 45525
27 50739
28 42799
29 42329
30 42119
31 42648
32 61350
33 45481
34 48151
35 47877
36 42485
37 42399
38 45473
39 40724
40 42349
41 42279
42 50935
43 42653
44 52223
45 42929
46 40472
47 23564
48 65232
49 47918
50 35685
51 53225
52 37085