Application |
XrayTool |
_Main |
Standard |
1378 |
addShortTypeStr addValueToDisplay buildAllMethodsNamesInterfaces changeDisplay checkAndDisplayNewObject createPropertyComments explainAttribute explainPropertyCaracteristics explainPseudoPropertyCaracteristics explainRealProperty foundInXrayList getPropertyCategory getPseudoPropInterface getShortTypeStr getValueOfProperty initXrayDisplay interfacesString listenersString methodsString methodsUsingAnyListener prepareXray properties2String propertiesPanelString servicesString simplifiedArrayElementString simplifiedMethodString simplifiedPropertyString simplifiedStructureElementString structure2String Xray XrayDeeper2 XrayThisArrayElement XrayThisMethod XrayThisProperty XrayThisStructureElement |
Option Explicit
Public Const Libname = "XrayTool"
Public XrDial As Object Public OOoReflection As Object, OOoTypeDescr As Object Public invocCurrObj As Object, classeIDL As Object, introCurrObj As Object Public OriginalObj As Variant, CurrentObj As Variant Public CurrentObjQualifiedName As String, XrayDisplayWhat As String Public searchTexts As String Public showAll As Boolean
Public LF As String Public emptyLine As String Public Const tooWideStr = "<...>", emptyValStr = "<empty>", nullValStr = "<null>", errorValStr = "<error>" Public Const enumInfo = "enum: " Public Const showMinimal = 0, showFullString = 1, showHexaValue = 2 Public Const F3name = 0, F3attribProp = 1, F3parameters = 1, F3set = 2, F3type = 3, F3value = 4 Public Const F3important = 5, F3notes = 6, F3Color = 7, F3get = 8, F3Interface_Service = 9 Public Const F3canXray = 10, F3max = 10
Private XrObject(99) As Variant Private TypeClass2Basic As Variant, TypeClassIsPropReadable As Variant, BasicTypeIsPropReadable As Variant Private pseudoprop As Variant Private propValPos As Long, propValMinWidth As Long Private allPropsNames As String Private allMethodsNamesInterfaces As String Private Const propTypePos = 27 Private Const methArgsPos = 27 Private Const methReturnPos = 60 Private Const methInterfPos = 120 Private Const interfacePos = 60 Private Const acceptedParamTypes = "£char£string£boolean£byte£short£integer£long£hyper£double£" Private Const ambiguousMethodFlag = " ?"
Private Const notReadable = 0, dataIsAny = 1, arrayProp = 4, noDisplay = 5, OKreadable = 9
Application |
XrayTool |
_UITexts |
Standard |
158 |
TextTranslation |
Option Explicit
Public Const WindowTitle = "Xray Rev 6.0 en "
Public Const txt0101 = "List of supported services" Public Const txt0102 = "List of available services" Public Const txt0105 = "No documentation for : " Public Const txt0106 = "Please wait..." Public Const txt0108 = "Xray can't analyse this object (introspection is not possible)." Public Const txt0109 = "The property or method returns the current object." Public Const txt0111 = "The parameter value may be incorrect." Public Const txt0112 = "Displaying documentation on : " Public Const txt0113 = "Initial object" Public Const txt0114 = " *** Click Xray button to display the value. ***" Public Const txt0115 = "( no name )" Public Const txt0116 = " ( nothing to display ) " Public Const txt0117 = "Xray impossible because this method returns nothing" Public Const txt0119 = "Xray impossible because the parameter is not of a simple type" Public Const txt0120 = "Xray impossible because this property is write-only" Public Const txt0121 = "Xray needs an argument : the objet to be analysed." Public Const txt0124 = "Xray impossible because the method needs too many parameters." Public Const txt0125 = "The array is too big to be displayed." Public Const txt0126 = "The array contains %% elements." Public Const txt0131 = "Click Configuration button to set the address of the API documentation " Public Const txt0201 = "Array of : " Public Const txt0202 = "No data (null)" Public Const txt0203 = "Type : " Public Const txt0204 = "Hexadecimal = " Public Const txt0205 = "Index min = " Public Const txt0206 = "Index max = " Public Const txt0207 = "Decimal value = " Public Const txt0208 = "Data of Basic type : ""Error""" Public Const txt0209 = "Null length string" Public Const txt0210 = "Array : T( " Public Const txt0211 = " : £ (output only) : £ (input and output) : " Public Const txt0212 = "Truncated display : too much data." Public Const txt0213 = "The array has too many dimensions to be displayed." Public Const txt0214 = "Parameter " Public Const txt0215 = "No parameter." Public Const txt0216 = "The method returns nothing." Public Const txt0219 = "Pseudo-property for : " Public Const txt0220 = "Read from the property : " Public Const txt0221 = "Write to the property : " Public Const txt0222 = "The property can only be written." Public Const txt0223 = "The property can only be read." Public Const txt0224 = "Abnormal UNO object : error while reading the value." Public Const txt0226 = "Empty array." Public Const txt0227 = "No data (empty)" Public Const txt0228 = "The method requests a parameter of type : " Public Const txt0229 = "Name conflict ! Read notes." Public Const txt0230 = "Value may be <null> or <empty> when not significant. (API term : may be void)" Public Const txt0231 = "A listener may detect a value change. (API term : bound)" Public Const txt0232 = "A listener may deny a value change. (API term : constrained)" Public Const txt0233 = "The property is not stored if the object is saved as a file. (API term : transient)" Public Const txt0234 = "Value may not be determined. (Terme API : value may be ambiguous)" Public Const txt0235 = "The property may be assigned its default value. (API term : may be default)" Public Const txt0236 = "The property may be added or removed. (API term : removeable)" Public Const txt0237 = "Corresponding to the enumeration : " Public Const txt0238 = "This method name exists in several interfaces of the object !" Public Const txt0239 = "Use this method specifying its interface : " Public Const txt0240 = "Name conflict : several properties have the same name." Public Const txt0242 = "value" Public Const txt0243 = "Name conflict : choose the method getXxx of the suitable interface instead of this property. " Public Const txt0244 = "Name conflict : choose the method setXxx of the suitable interface instead of this property. " Public Const txt0245 = "This pseudo-property is a shortcut for getXxx and setXxx that are exported by two different interfaces! " Public Const txt0250 = "Events watched by this Listener" Public Const txt0251 = "Methods using this Listener as a parameter" Public Const txt0252 = "Method exported by the interface : " Public Const txt0253 = "Methods exported by the interface : " Public Const txt0260 = "Details of an element of a UNO structure" Public Const txt0261 = "Details of an element of an array" Public Const txt0262 = "Details of a property of the object" Public Const txt0263 = "Détails of a method of the object" Public Const txt0264 = "Configuration" Public Const txt0265 = "Find" Public Const txt0301 = "Download stopped" Public Const txt0302 = "Current source : local SDK" Public Const txt0303 = "Current source : Web API" Public Const txt0304 = "Downloading the index pages will take some time." Public Const txt0305 = "To stop the download click the button in pushed state." Public Const txt0306 = "Confirm the configuration by clicking OK on the next page." Public Const txt0307 = "Web address of the page Global Index A" Public Const txt0308 = "Downloading page %%." Public Const txt0309 = "This page is missing on the Web site : " Public Const txt0311 = "Invalid address : the API directories are missing." Public Const txt0312 = "Can't call the browser. Check Xray configuration." Public Const txt0313 = "Problem downloading this page from the Web site." Public Const txt0314 = "The API documentation is now installed." Public Const txt0341 = "Attribute of interface" Public Const txt0342 = "Interface exporting this attribute : " Public Const txt0343 = "Can't find the interface exporting this attribute." Public Const txt0344 = "Possible interface : see API documentation" Public Const txt0345 = "This attribute is not found in the interfaces supported by the object, but it exists in other interfaces." Public Const txt0346 = "The attribute can only be read." Public Const txt0347 = "The attribute is not stored if the object is saved as a file. (API term : transient)" Public Const txt0348 = "The attribute may be assigned its default value. (API term : may be default)" Public Const txt0351 = "Property of a service" Public Const txt0352 = "Service exporting this property : " Public Const txt0353 = "Can't find the service exporting this property." Public Const txt0354 = "Possible service : see API documentation." Public Const txt0355 = "This property is not found in the services supported by the object, but it exists in other services." Public Const txt0356 = "This property may be added or removed.Therefore it can't be documented." Public Const txt0360 = "Check that the obtained information suits your context." Public Const txt0401 = "Property name" Public Const txt0402 = "Data Type" Public Const txt0403 = "Value" Public Const txt0404 = "Comments" Public Const txt0405 = "Method name" Public Const txt0406 = "parameters" Public Const txt0407 = "returned data type" Public Const txt0408 = "interface exporting the method" Public Const txt0409 = "Element name" Public Const txt0601 = "Name of the color : " Public Const txt0602 = "No color or automatic color." Public Const txt0603 = "Red : " Public Const txt0604 = "Green : " Public Const txt0605 = "Blue : "
Application |
XrayTool |
Mod3 |
Standard |
712 |
CallBrowser changeDialogWidthHeight FocusOnInfoControl getConfigDirAddress getConfigFileAddress getCurrentLineInInfos getWorkFilePathName IDLindexesLoadedFromWeb initConfigData initDlgXray keyOnXrayInfo MouseReleaseOnDisplay nextStepDlgInit readXrayConfig resizeXrDial SDKindexAddress SDKpagesAddress setDisplayFont setFontSizeWidthDefault SetSDKpath SetWebAPIpath showPrettyDisplay testFontForDisplay writeXrayConfig XrayBack XrayConfigDialog XrayDaddyObject XrayDeeper XrayOriginalObject |
Option Explicit
Private XrInit As Object Private BrowserAddress(3) As String, AlternateBrowserCallMethod As Boolean Private DefaultXrDialSize As Object, DefaultXrDialHeaderSize As Object, DefaultXrDialInfosSize As Object Private CurrentXrDialDelta As New Private startAllInfos As Boolean, startAZorder As Boolean Private allowXrayDbleClick As Boolean Private deltaHeightXrDial As Long, deltaWidthXrDial As Long Private DisplayFontName As String, DisplayFontHeight As Long, DisplayFontWidth As Long Private SDKdisplayAddr As String, UseLocalSDK As Boolean Private Const idlPathinSDK = "/docs/common/ref/"